Discover the properties of Frass, a new biofertilizer based on insect excrement

planta en crecimiento gracias al uso de Frass, biofertilizante orgánico
Protiberia presents PROTIBERIA FRASS, a novel biofertilizer derived from mealworm excrement that improves the growth and defense of your crops in a completely sustainable and ecological way.

Times are changing, just like us. Concern for the environment and lack of resources forces us to look for new forms of cultivation that do not harm nature and that allow agricultural sector to move forward.

Pests, desertification or excess chemicals are just some of the problems that farmers face today. That is why it is important to start talking about ecological agriculture and biofertilizers, such as frass.

What is Frass?

Frass is the name given to insect excrement, such as mealworms (Tenebrio molitor). With a sandy appearance and color, frass is presented as a powerful organic fertilizer capable of improving both crops and soil properties.

foto cercana del biofertilizante ecológico Frass

In addition to presenting a higher and more balanced NPK index than other organic fertilizers, this product contains beneficial microorganisms that improve plant health and promote nutrient absorption (biostimulant).

It is also noteworthy for its low humidity and high organic matter content, around 80-90%, as well as its ability to provide resistance to pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

In addition, frass particles are coated with chitin, a substance with multiple benefits for agriculture.

Benefits of Frass in agriculture

  • Phytofortifying and antioxidant, as it promotes plant growth and development.
  • Offers plant tolerance to drought, salinity, waterlogging and soil and water pollutants.
  • Provides antifungal and antibacterial resistance.
  • Has a nematicidal effect.

Finally, beyond its properties, the use of frass as a biofertilizer is also important because it is a 100% natural product.

At Protiberia we obtain a completely sustainable and ecological frass, always respecting the well-being of our insects and the principles of low emissions and zero waste inherent in a circular economy model.

Biofertilizante orgánico de Protiberia

As mentioned at the beginning, times are changing, just like cultivation methods, and Protiberia wants to contribute to that change with PROTIBERIA FRASS, Tenebrio molitor excrement ready for use, whether in woody crops, vegetables or ornamental plants.

PROTIBERIA FRASS is easily applied and absorbed due to its fine and sandy texture, is rich in micro and macronutrients and does not contain heavy metals. In addition, being a 100% natural product, it is ideal for ecological agriculture.

And you? Do you bet on ecological agriculture? Would you use frass in your crops? Leave us your opinion in the comments!


Arias, J. P. (2018). Nuevos abonos a partir de excrementos de insecto: el caso del gusano de la harina (Tenebrio molitor). Ingeniería y Región, (19), 1-11.

International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF). (2019). Contribution Paper on the Application of Insect Frass as Fertilising Product in Agriculture.

Poveda, J., Jiménez-Gómez, A., Saati-Santamaría, Z., Usategui-Martín, R., Rivas, R., & García-Fraile, P. (2019). Mealworm frass as a potential biofertilizer and abiotic stress tolerance-inductor in plants. Applied Soil Ecology, 142, 110-122.

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