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Artificial Intelligence in the management of by-products to feed insects
By-products from the agri-food industry can be given a second life by being used as insect feed, thanks to their ability to efficiently convert nutrients.…

Genetic Editing in Insects: The Path Toward More Efficient and Sustainable Breeding
In recent years, genetic editing has emerged as a key tool to enhance efficiency in insect breeding. One of the most advanced technologies in this…

Importance of Tenebrio molitor in the pharmaceutical industry
Tenebrio molitor has remarkable potential in the pharmaceutical industry due to its bioactive compounds and nutritional properties. In addition, it provides chitin and chitosan, versatile…

Innovation in the Production of Tenebrio molitor Eggs
At Protiberia we offer high quality colonies of eggs of Tenebrio molitor to insect breeding farms, eliminating the need to dedicate part of the process…

Innovation in the insect protein sector: What do we do and why do we do it?
In this article we tell you why innovation in the insect protein sector is so important and what we are doing from our company to…

Artificial Intelligence in the management of by-products to feed insects
By-products from the agri-food industry can be given a second life by being used as…
Genetic Editing in Insects: The Path Toward More Efficient and Sustainable Breeding
In recent years, genetic editing has emerged as a key tool to enhance efficiency in…
Importance of Tenebrio molitor in the pharmaceutical industry
Tenebrio molitor has remarkable potential in the pharmaceutical industry due to its bioactive compounds and…
Innovation in the Production of Tenebrio molitor Eggs
At Protiberia we offer high quality colonies of eggs of Tenebrio molitor to insect breeding…
Innovation in the insect protein sector: What do we do and why do we do it?
In this article we tell you why innovation in the insect protein sector is so…