New sources of protein? The truth about their inclusion in EU foods

Have you ever imagined eating while collaborating to mitigate climate change? In 2025, this will become a reality in the European Union, but not in the way you might think.
The EU has authorized the use of whole Tenebrio molitor larvae powder treated with ultraviolet radiation in various food products. This approval has sparked controversy and misinformation, but official bodies guarantee its safety within the established limits.

In recent months, alarming claims about the inclusion of Tenebrio molitor in EU food products have circulated on social media and in the news. Many of these claims are filled with misinformation. Some say, “We will eat unknown ingredients without knowing it” or that “some ingredients are toxic and dangerous to health.” In this blog, we clarify the truth about insect consumption in the EU, the regulation, and why there is no reason to be alarmed.

What does EU regulation say about novel foods?

Currently, four insect species are authorized for human consumption, including Tenebrio molitor, considered as a “novel food” since 2018. This inclusion is a response to the need for alternative protein sources and the search for more sustainable food options.

In January 2025, the commercialization of ultraviolet-treated Tenebrio molitor powder was approved. This powder can be used in a variety of products, including: breads and rolls, cakes and pastries, pasta-based products, cheeses and dairy products, fruit and vegetable purees.

Is it safe to consume?

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has assessed the safety of Tenebrio molitor powder and considers it safe: heavy metals (mercury, arsenic) and mycotoxins (aflatoxins) quantities remain below the maximum limits allowed in the EU.

Additionally, ultraviolet radiation used to process Tenebrio powder serves two main purposes:

  • Enrichment with vitamin D3, providing an additional nutritional benefit.
  • Disinfection, ensuring a pathogen-free product.

Products containing this ingredient must clearly indicate its presence and warn about possible allergies. People with allergies to crustaceans or dust mites are advised to be cautious, as they may experience cross-reactions. Therefore, it is not true that “we will unknowingly eat these foods” as some viral content suggests. The EU requires transparent labeling so that consumers can make informed choices.

Regarding traceability, the EU requires a tracking system that allows tracing the origin and production process of these insect-based ingredients, ensuring safety and transparency.

Why is this topic being discussed?

These products are a more sustainable protein source than traditional meat, as they require fewer natural resources for production. The EU is exploring new ways to diversify diets and reduce dependence on intensive agriculture. This has originated different mislead opinions; instead it should be known that:

  • Novel foods are not meant to replace farming but to complement it. They are an alternative protein source that requires fewer resources (water, land, and feed) than traditional livestock. Their production is more sustainable and can coexist with other agricultural systems, contributing to food supply diversification.
  • Insect consumption is common in many parts of the world, such as Mexico, Thailand, and some African countries, where they have been part of traditional diets for centuries.

Moreover, Tenebrio molitor products authorized by the EU are raised under controlled conditions and undergo rigorous hygiene and food safety processes. In Europe, although insect consumption is more recent, several companies are already leading innovation in this sector.

  • The EU does not force anyone to consume these products. The authorization of Tenebrio molitor simply allows manufacturers to offer products containing it, as long as they comply with labeling and safety regulations. Consumers are free to choose whether they want to try these products or not.
  • Tenebrio molitor is an excellent source of high-quality protein, in addition to containing healthy fats, vitamins (such as B12), and minerals (such as iron and zinc). Its nutritional profile makes it a viable alternative to other protein sources like meat or dairy.


The approval of Tenebrio molitor as a food ingredient is a regulated and safe innovation, backed by the EU and assessed by food safety experts.

Although it may generate initial doubts or rejection, it is important to rely on verified information and not be swayed by alarmist claims. Insects are a sustainable and nutritious alternative that, far from being a threat, can contribute to a more diverse and environmentally friendly diet in a world where the population is growing rapidly and natural resources are becoming increasingly scarce.


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