We are the leading company in the supply of Tenebrio molitor eggs colonies

At Protiberia, as a biotechnology company, we develop advanced technology to optimize the production of high-quality Tenebrio molitor eggs at competitive prices.

Our multidisciplinary team works to supply these eggs to rearing farms, using sustainable raw materials and practices based on the circular economy.

We continually innovate to transform the future of food with sustainable and efficient solutions.

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First Prize. Prize for Best Project and Finalists 2023-2024

At Protiberia, we work every day to provide solutions to the challenges of the food industry.

In just three decades, the world population will increase by 20%

The demand for protein for human consumption will increase by 50%

The need for animal feed will double in just a few decades

Land and natural resources will become scarce under our current system of consumption

What We do

Become an entrepreneur bringing value and sustainability to your environment: become a Protifarmer!

By creating a network of farms, we want to positively impact the environment and the rural economy. We give a second life to disused livestock farms or mushroom sheds by converting them into sustainable farms for fattening the larvae of the insect Tenebrio molitor

Do you want to raise the Tenebrio molitor worms?

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foto de toda la población del mundo como símbolo de nuestro objetivo es alimentar a toda la población mundial
Nos centramos en la incubación de huevos y venta de neonatos de Tenebrio molitor
Tenebrio molitor

We focus on hatching eggs and selling Tenebrio molitor neonates

In Protiberia, we develop the most innovative technology to produce the best colonies of Tenebrio molitor in a sustainable and scalable way. This remarkable insect has diverse applications in agriculture and human and animal food.

Learn more about Tenebrio

We work with a circular economy model

Circular economy Protiberia

Protiberia in the press

Among the top 100 most creative in the business world!

The CEO and co-founder of Protiberia, Ana González, appears on the Forbes list ‘The 100 most creative in the business world.’ Congratulations!

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Protiberia is selected for Lanzadera!

Protiberia is among the companies selected for Lanzadera, the renowned business accelerator backed by Juan Roig and part of Marina de Empresas.

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Protiberia: Sustainable innovation that rescues forgotten villages.

We obtain eggs and neonates of Tenebrio molitor, which we send to other farms. These farms only need to fatten the larvae. This approach allows for increased productivity and decreased risks, as the reproductive phase is the most costly and complicated to carry out in an insect breeding farm.

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We transform the breeding of Tenebrio molitor into a second chance for Spain’s depopulated areas.

We specialize in the reproductive process of Tenebrio and in creating a network of farms for larval fattening.

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We Won First Prize!

Protiberia won first place in the EXPANSION Start Up 2023 Awards in the Food and Agrotech category. This category recognizes disruptive technologies that transform the agri-food sector.

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Representing Spain in Lithuania.

Ana González, CEO and founding partner of Protiberia, is selected in Spain to be part of the Empowering Women in Agrifood (EWA) program. Through this program, women from 12 countries receive training, mentorship, and funding opportunities.

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¿Qué hace a Protiberia diferente? 

Producimos proteína de forma sostenible, sin residuos, y con huella de carbono cercana a cero
Generamos puestos de trabajo en la España vaciada
Desarrollamos nuestra propia tecnología para producir a gran escala
Colaboramos con empresas e instituciones para transformar el mundo
Reducimos el consumo de agua en un 90%
Somos pioneros en España en la cría del gusano Tenebrio
Utilizamos productos y cultivos locales
Empleamos energía limpia y renovable en nuestras instalaciones

The environmental footprint of insects vs. Traditional Livestock Farming

We produce sustainably


We sustainably produce protein without waste and have a nearly zero carbon footprint.


We create job opportunities in rural Spain 


We develop our technology for large-scale production.


We collaborate with leading technology companies, research institutes, and technology centers to transform the world.


We reduce water consumption by up to 90% compared to other livestock industries.


We are pioneers in Spain in raising Tenebrio eggs and hatchlings


We eliminate vegetable waste from the local food industry.


We use clean and renewable energy in our facilities.

A Triple Impact company

Protiberia has a positive impact on society, the economy and the environment

We generate high-quality jobs in rural areas, helping with population retention and revitalizing local communities.

Our operations are conducted sustainably, with almost no greenhouse gas emissions and minimal water and space consumption.

We promote refurbishing disused livestock or mushroom farming facilities to accommodate raising insects.


Creating global impact from rural Spain

We are a Spanish company led by women. Although we come from the small town of Villamalea in Albacete, we have a big vision that can impact the whole world. We want to transform the food industry with a sustainably produced superfood.

We are committed to a circular model in which waste and by-products from local agri-food industries are prioritized in production and research processes.

Get to know us

Latest Blogs

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The evolutive history of beetles: The case of Tenebrio family

The yellow mealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor) originated more than 150 million years ago, but their…

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Tenebrio for fish feeding: More than a fishing bait

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At Protiberia, we solve global problems together with our industry-leading partners

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